THE 38 WAYS TO HAPPINESS: Do not associate with fools
I would like to ask Luang Phaw why the Lord Buddha said “The Gift of Dhamma beats all other donations.”
Hearing Luang Phaw mentioned about Dhamma Dana (The Gift of Dhamma), I would like to ask Luang Phaw why the Lord Buddha said “The Gift of Dhamma beats all other donations.”
Prejudice Because of Ignorance
Sometimes when we hear something about someone, we judge that person solely by what we hear, not by what we know. We may make a decision about or wrongly because of misunderstandings. This mistake can lead to a lack of morals in our society.
The Four Noble Truths#2
The Path to the Cessation of Sufferings: This is the way to get away from all the sufferings
The Great Master of Dhammakaya Meditation
Learn at DOU for Yourself, for Society, and for our World
DOU students unveiled thier impressions why they decided to study and what did they experience. Click to read!
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering # 4
In the Lord Buddha’s first sermon to the group of five initial disciples he advocated to steer between the extremes of sensual indulgence
Why Thailand, a country made up mainly of Buddhists and Buddhism provides so many valuable teachings, has a lesser economic growth than the western countries?
Venerable Luang Phaw sir, I am curious why Thailand, a country made up mainly of Buddhists and Buddhism provides so many valuable teachings, has a lesser economic growth than the western countries?
I’d like to know the purpose of donations in Buddhism and how many kinds of donations are there?
Overview #2
The Middle Way [majjhima patipada] is a path of practice that avoids the extremes of either sensual indulgence tice that avoids the extremes of either sensual indulgence or self –mortification